Table 17: Respiratory Symptoms Category FY99-00 (N) FY99-00 (Estimate) FY99-00 (Std Err) FY01-02 (N) FY01-02 (Estimate) FY01-02 (Std Err) FY03-04 (N) FY03-04 (Estimate) FY03-04 (Std Err) In the last 12 months, have you... Had wheezing or whistling in your chest at any time? Yes, had wheezing or whistling in chest 342 4% 0.4% 545 9% 1.1% 61 3% 1.0% Yes, had wheezing or whistling in chest: When I have a cold 86 48% 8.4% 317 64% 3.5% - - - Yes, had wheezing or whistling in chest: Occasionally aside from colds 35 12% 2.9% 106 24% 3.3% - - - Yes, had wheezing or whistling in chest: Most days or nights 28 21% 5.4% 33 9% 2.4% - - - Yes, had wheezing or whistling in chest: Other 49 21% 5.2% 29 4%(a) 1.5% - - - Yes, had wheezing or whistling in chest: How many years? 1-2 years - - - 25 34% 6.0% 27 67% 5.7% Yes, had wheezing or whistling in chest: How many years? 3-5 years - - - 14 39% 9.3% 13 15% 3.4% Yes, had wheezing or whistling in chest: How many years? 6 or more years - - - 14 27% 7.6% 21 17%(a) 6.8% Yes, had wheezing or whistling in chest: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Yes - - - 23 46% 8.2% 24 41% 7.9% Yes, had wheezing or whistling in chest: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Do not know - - - 4 (b) (c) 5 18% 4.7% In the last 12 months, have you... Had episodes of runny or stuffy nose? Yes, had episodes of runny or stuffy nose 368 9% 1.5% 153 6% 1.0% 231 7% 1.5% Yes, had episodes of runny or stuffy nose: How many years? 1-2 years - - - 65 40% 6.0% 91 46% 6.5% Yes, had episodes of runny or stuffy nose: How many years? 3-5 years - - - 55 35% 5.0% 80 31% 4.9% Yes, had episodes of runny or stuffy nose: How many years? 6 or more years - - - 33 25% 3.9% 60 23% 4.8% Yes, had episodes of runny or stuffy nose: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Yes - - - 78 50% 7.5% 115 52% 4.4% Yes, had episodes of runny or stuffy nose: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Do not know - - - 18 (b) (c) 36 10%(a) 3.5% In the last 12 months, have you... Had episodes of watery or itchy eyes? Yes, had episodes of watery or itchy eyes 375 11% 1.6% 212 8% 1.8% 306 8% 1.6% Yes, had episodes of watery or itchy eyes: How many years? 1-2 years - - - 113 56% 4.5% 122 46% 3.9% Yes, had episodes of watery or itchy eyes: How many years? 3-5 years - - - 70 28% 4.3% 108 32% 4.2% Yes, had episodes of watery or itchy eyes: How many years? 6 or more years - - - 30 16% 4.2% 73 22% 2.9% Yes, had episodes of watery or itchy eyes: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Yes - - - 132 62% 6.3% 182 62% 5.2% Yes, had episodes of watery or itchy eyes: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Do not know - - - 13 8%(a) 2.7% 31 9%(a) 2.7% In the last 12 months, have you... Coughed on most days for 3 or more months in a row? Yes, coughed on most days for 3 or more months 103 1% 0.3% 40 1% 0.4% 46 1% 0.4% Yes, coughed on most days for 3 or more months: How many years? 1-2 years - - - 22 34% 8.4% 24 71% 8.6% Yes, coughed on most days for 3 or more months: How many years? 3-5 years - - - 12 32% 7.3% 14 16%(a) 5.1% Yes, coughed on most days for 3 or more months: How many years? 6 or more years - - - 8 34% 8.4% 7 14% 4.0% Yes, coughed on most days for 3 or more months: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Yes - - - 19 55% 11.2% 13 45%(a) 15.0% Yes, coughed on most days for 3 or more months: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Do not know - - - (b) (b) (c) (b) (b) (c) In the last 12 months, have you... Had phlegm on most days for 3 or more months in a row? Yes, had phlegm on most days for 3 or more months 72 2% 0.5% 37 2% 0.4% 48 1% 0.4% Yes, had phlegm on most days for 3 or more months: How many years? 1-2 years - - - 18 39% 10.3% 24 59% 11.4% Yes, had phlegm on most days for 3 or more months: How many years? 3-5 years - - - 12 34% 9.3% 12 21%(a) 8.2% Yes, had phlegm on most days for 3 or more months: How many years? 6 or more years - - - 8 27% 6.2% 12 19%(a) 7.6% Yes, had phlegm on most days for 3 or more months: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Yes - - - 16 56% 10.4% 17 48% 13.1% Yes, had phlegm on most days for 3 or more months: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Do not know - - - 5 4%(a) 1.3% 5 (b) (c) In the last 12 months, have you... Had chest tightness? Yes, had chest tightness - - - 60 3% 0.5% 92 4%(a) 1.2% Yes, had chest tightness: How many years? 1-2 years - - - 32 31% 6.4% 60 65% 5.5% Yes, had chest tightness: How many years? 3-5 years - - - 19 47% 9.6% 17 10%(a) 3.6% Yes, had chest tightness: How many years? 6 or more years - - - 8 22%(a) 10.2% 16 25% 7.6% Yes, had chest tightness: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Yes - - - 22 33% 7.5% 35 28%(a) 11.5% Yes, had chest tightness: Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work? Do not know - - - 9 20%(a) 8.8% 11 24%(a) 10.1% (N) is the number of respondents that gave a particular response. (Estimate) is the percentage of respondents that gave a particular response for a categorical variable, or the average of valid responses for a numeric variable. The estimates are weighted estimates which adjust for workers’ different probabilities of being sampled and responding to the survey. (Std Err) is the standard error of the estimate. (a) indicates that the estimate has a relative standard error (RSE) greater than 30 percent but no more than 50 percent. The estimate is published but should be used with caution. (b) indicates that the estimate is based on fewer than four responses or has a RSE greater than 50 percent. The estimate is considered statistically unreliable and is suppressed. (c) indicates that the standard error is suppressed because the estimate itself is suppressed. A dash (-) indicates that the question was not asked in the corresponding time interval.