Table 7: Health Insurance Coverage Category FY99-00 (N) FY99-00 (Estimate) FY99-00 (Std Err) FY01-02 (N) FY01-02 (Estimate) FY01-02 (Std Err) FY03-04 (N) FY03-04 (Estimate) FY03-04 (Std Err) FY05-06 (N) FY05-06 (Estimate) FY05-06 (Std Err) FY07-08 (N) FY07-08 (Estimate) FY07-08 (Std Err) FY09-10 (N) FY09-10 (Estimate) FY09-10 (Std Err) FY11-12 (N) FY11-12 (Estimate) FY11-12 (Std Err) FY13-14 (N) FY13-14 (Estimate) FY13-14 (Std Err) Insurance coverage for worker and family: Agricultural worker has insurance 860 24% 2.7% 1,585 24% 1.9% 1,839 29% 2.1% 1,085 28% 2.2% 1,211 32% 2.3% 1,125 32% 2.5% 864 32% 2.3% 1,390 35% 1.9% Insurance coverage for worker and family: Spouse has insurance 499 22% 2.6% 1,053 28% 2.0% 1,289 45% 2.6% 782 43% 2.5% 762 48% 2.5% 847 44% 4.3% 632 38% 3.0% 1,024 45% 2.5% Insurance coverage for worker and family: Children have insurance 734 35% 3.2% 1,555 48% 2.2% 1,864 78% 1.8% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Children have insurance: All children have insurance - - - - - - - - - 1,010 67% 2.1% 1,051 73% 2.0% 1,261 83% 2.2% 1,138 77% 2.2% 1,661 81% 1.8% Children have insurance: Only some children have insurance - - - - - - - - - 57 4% 1.2% 65 4% 1.1% 59 3% 0.5% 75 6% 0.8% 99 5% 0.8% Agricultural worker's insurance is paid by: Agricultural worker 280 34% 7.5% 347 19% 2.3% 368 21% 3.3% 272 27% 4.4% 258 21% 3.3% 219 21% 3.1% 138 16% 2.9% 182 15% 2.4% Agricultural worker's insurance is paid by: Spouse or spouse's employer 86 7% 1.5% 254 15% 1.7% 287 15% 1.6% 172 13% 1.7% 162 15% 1.9% 132 13% 1.5% 105 12% 1.5% 124 9% 1.5% Agricultural worker's insurance is paid by: Agricultural worker's employer 503 53% 5.4% 716 47% 3.5% 786 39% 4.1% 484 44% 4.3% 603 54% 3.7% 547 43% 3.8% 379 40% 4.6% 521 31% 2.7% Agricultural worker's insurance is paid by: Government 124 21% 3.6% 316 18% 2.3% 433 25% 2.9% 265 24% 3.4% 250 19% 2.7% 297 31% 3.9% 221 23% 3.2% 513 37% 3.0% Agricultural worker's insurance is paid by: Other 30 2% 0.5% 91 8% 1.1% 128 11% 2.8% 62 10% 2.7% 73 6% 1.2% 51 5% 1.1% 111 18% 2.3% 96 9% 2.2% Agricultural worker's insurance is paid by: Parents’/Family’s Plan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57 6% 1.2% Spouse's insurance is paid by: Agricultural worker 124 22% 4.9% 192 15% 2.1% 149 11% 1.9% 114 19% 3.4% 116 15% 2.8% 117 15% 2.4% 52 6% 1.1% 85 8% 1.7% Spouse's insurance is paid by: Spouse or spouse's employer 173 37% 3.0% 377 38% 3.7% 482 39% 3.6% 312 38% 3.3% 286 41% 3.6% 270 35% 2.5% 187 32% 2.6% 265 26% 3.0% Spouse's insurance is paid by: Agricultural worker's employer 178 34% 4.5% 250 25% 3.9% 279 24% 3.5% 137 19% 3.2% 191 26% 3.2% 188 20% 2.6% 125 24% 4.8% 167 17% 2.7% Spouse's insurance is paid by: Government 101 19% 3.3% 291 27% 3.2% 408 30% 3.2% 267 33% 3.4% 211 25% 3.3% 326 38% 3.2% 283 39% 4.3% 496 49% 3.4% Spouse's insurance is paid by: Other 5 (b) (c) 15 1%(a) 0.5% 19 1% 0.3% 13 4%(a) 1.8% 15 2%(a) 0.8% 15 2% 0.5% 12 2% 0.4% 44 5% 1.0% Children's insurance is paid by: Agricultural worker 142 20% 5.0% 199 11% 1.3% 129 6% 1.2% 89 12% 2.2% 76 8% 1.8% 88 6% 1.3% 42 3% 0.8% 76 5% 1.1% Children's insurance is paid by: Spouse or spouse's employer 89 13% 2.3% 239 16% 2.5% 231 14% 1.9% 125 11% 1.2% 135 15% 2.0% 106 9% 1.7% 82 7% 0.8% 111 8% 1.3% Children's insurance is paid by: Agricultural worker's employer 150 19% 3.8% 195 13% 1.8% 211 11% 1.7% 92 9% 1.9% 110 14% 2.3% 120 8% 1.6% 69 6% 1.6% 95 5% 0.8% Children's insurance is paid by: Government 411 58% 5.2% 983 65% 2.9% 1,310 69% 2.7% 788 73% 2.5% 801 66% 3.2% 1,026 80% 3.2% 1,020 84% 2.4% 1,437 81% 2.0% Children's insurance is paid by: Other 22 3% 0.7% 21 1% 0.4% 49 3% 0.9% 20 1% 0.4% 44 3%(a) 1.6% 35 2%(a) 0.7% 20 1%(a) 0.3% 59 3% 0.5% (N) is the number of respondents that gave a particular response. (Estimate) is the percentage of respondents that gave a particular response for a categorical variable, or the average of valid responses for a numeric variable. The estimates are weighted estimates which adjust for workers’ different probabilities of being sampled and responding to the survey. (Std Err) is the standard error of the estimate. (a) indicates that the estimate has a relative standard error (RSE) greater than 30 percent but no more than 50 percent. The estimate is published but should be used with caution. (b) indicates that the estimate is based on fewer than four responses or has a RSE greater than 50 percent. The estimate is considered statistically unreliable and is suppressed. (c) indicates that the standard error is suppressed because the estimate itself is suppressed. A dash (-) indicates that the question was not asked in the corresponding time interval.