How to Use the Site

This site contains 22 tables, highlighting information on health variables that were collected through collaborations with the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health, and the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as  other topics important to understanding agricultural worker health including demographics and employment characteristics and health insurance and health care utilization. 

Each of the 22 tables has its own page, and any of them can be accessed via hyperlinks that are available on the left side of every page within this site. Each table’s landing page contains a summary of findings and links to data tables, bar charts, and trend lines for one or more NAWS variables. A list of the variables available within a given table, and hyperlinks to data charts and tables, are listed in a box on the right side of the table’s landing page. The tables contain NAWS data from fiscal years 1999-2014, and are  presented in two-year intervals (i.e., 1999-2000, 2001-2002, etc. through 2013-2014).

All of the following are available for each variable within a table:

  • A bar chart that illustrates data from any two-year period. The most recent two-year period is automatically displayed. Users can use the “Select Period” drop-down menu located above the bar chart to select a two-year period. Bar charts are not displayed on pages that illustrate findings for variables with only one response category (e.g., in Table 5, on the "Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?" page).
  • A data table that contains the number (column labeled "#") and percentage (column labeled "%") of respondents that gave a particular response. The percentages are weighted percentages which adjust for workers' different probabilities of being sampled and responding to the survey  for all two-year periods. In data tables where averages are reported, the "#" column represents the number of respondents that provided a valid response to the question and the "Avg" column contains an average of all valid responses. The averages are weighted averages which adjust for workers' different probabilities of being sampled and responding to the survey.
  • A trend line chart that illustrates data across all two-year periods. Users can customize which categories of a variable to chart by selecting them from the “Filter Categories” drop-down menu located at the bottom of the trend line chart. Trend line charts are not displayed when there are fewer than three two-year periods of data to chart (e.g., Table 15: Gastrointestinal Problems).

Hyperlinks to the next and previous variables within a table are available below the trend line chart. 

Data for all 22 tables can be downloaded in Excel or tab delimited file format; see the "Download Complete Tables" link at the bottom of every page within this site. The downloadable files contain statistics only, including unweighted numbers of responses, weighted percentages and averages, and standard errors, for all two-year periods.

For questions about how to use this site, please contact Daniel Carroll, Office of Policy Development and Research, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room N-5641, Washington, D.C.  20210; e-mail: ; phone: (202) 693-2795.