Difficulties Faced Accessing U.S. Health Care

The share of agricultural workers that reported that it was difficult to access needed U.S. health care decreased by 15 percentage points between 1999-2000 and 2007-2008, from 50 percent to 35 percent, with almost two-thirds reporting in 2007-2008 that it was "easy" to get health care. Over the 15-year period from 1999-2000 to 2013-2014, agricultural workers consistently reported that cost was a main difficulty that they faced when they needed to access U.S. health care (cited by nearly 90 percent of workers in every time period since 2007-2008). Language used to be much more of a barrier to accessing U.S. health care than it has been more recently, cited by 35 percent of agricultural workers in 1999-2000 and only seven percent in 2013-2014.
Table 10

General barriers for accessing health care

To view current and trend data from the NAWS select from the links below:

Attention A T users. Data is presented in three formats, a bar chart, a textual data table, and a line chart. The data is best reviewed though the data table when using A T.

Bar Chart — General barriers for accessing health care

Data Table — General barriers for accessing health care

Category 99-00 01-02 03-04 05-06 07-08 09-10 11-12 13-14
# % # % # % # % # % # % # % # %
Too expensive2,89478%2,59079%2,09978%1,16582%1,22587%1,12388%93889%1,16190%
They don't speak my language1,24535%54217%35713%34828%21416%1278%10410%997%
They don't treat me with respect/I don't feel welcomed36310%914%792%321%a332%a263%a162%12<1%
No transportation, too far away2668%1305%813%151%605%573%283%413%
Don't know where services are available2126%1728%1918%12010%1028%534%182%a272%
They don't understand my problems1824%1193%783%413%282%22b101%161%a
They don't provide the services I need973%421%211%a23b426%222%a203%a181%
Health center not open when needed1332%17<1%a8b101%a192%a261%171%a171%a
I'm undocumented (that's why they don't treat me well)2--2588%2019%775%595%322%313%a574%
I will lose my job511%24<1%8<1%a6<1%a221%9<1%a141%a171%

1 Question was part of a NIOSH-sponsored supplement on occupational health and was asked in 1999 through 2008.

2 The questionnaire was changed to include the "I'm undocumented (that's why they don't treat me well)" response category in 2001; it was not offered in1999 or 2000. A dash (“-“) indicates that the response category was not offered during the corresponding time period.

a Estimates with relative standard errors (RSEs) greater than 30 percent but no more than 50 percent are published but should be used with caution.

b Estimates based on fewer than four responses or with RSEs greater than 50 percent are considered statistically unreliable and are suppressed.

Trend Lines — General barriers for accessing health care