Respiratory Symptoms

Questions about respiratory problems were administered as part of a NIOSH-sponsored supplement on occupational health from 1999-2001, and as part of a NIOSH-sponsored supplement on dust in 2002-2003. The most common respiratory problem reported by agricultural workers in 2003 was watery or itchy eyes (8%) with more than a half of the workers who reported these symptoms indicating that their condition was made worse by dust, dirt or chemicals from farm work (62%). A slightly smaller share of agricultural workers reported experiencing a runny or stuffy nose (7%), and more than half of them, also, indicated that the condition was made worse by dust, dirt or chemicals from farm work (52%).

In the last 12 months, have you... — Had chest tightness?

To view current and trend data from the NAWS select from the links below:

Attention A T users. Data is presented in three formats, a bar chart, a textual data table, and a line chart. The data is best reviewed though the data table when using A T.

Bar Chart — Had chest tightness?

Data Table — Had chest tightness?

Category 01-02 03-04
# % # %
Yes, had chest tightness3603%924%a
How many years?
1-2 years3231%6065%
3-5 years1947%1710%a
6 or more years822%a1625%
Is the condition made worse by dust, dirt, or chemicals from farm work?
Do not know920%a1124%a

1 Question was asked in 1999 through 2003; the 03-04 column contains data for 2003 only.

2 Question was asked in 2000 through 2002; the 99-00 column contains data for 2000 only. A dash (“-“) indicates that the question was not asked during the corresponding time period.

3 Question was asked in 2002 and 2003; the 01-02 column contains data for 2002 only and the 03-04 column contains data for 2003 only. A dash (“-“) indicates that the question was not asked during the corresponding time period.

4 Question was asked in 1999, 2002, and 2003; the 99-00 column contains data for 1999 only, the 01-02 column contains data for 2002 only, and the 03-04 column contains data for 2003 only.

5 Question was asked in 1999, 2000, 2002, and 2003; the 01-02 column contains data for 2002 only and the 03-04 column contains data for 2003 only.

a Estimates with relative standard errors (RSEs) greater than 30 percent but no more than 50 percent are published but should be used with caution.

b Estimates based on fewer than four responses or with RSEs greater than 50 percent are considered statistically unreliable and are suppressed.